The 6th IASTED African Conference on
Environment and Water Resource Management
AfricaEWRM 2016
September 5 – 7, 2016
Gaborone, Botswana
Natural resources dynamics and management in flood-pulsed freshwater wetlands
Flood pulsed wetlands ecosystems have socio-economic and biological significance at both local and global scales. They are among the most productive ecosystems in the world and perform a variety of functions which adds to their value. Wetlands are also a major source of biodiversity through supporting diverse species from all major groups (across the broad spectrum of flora and fauna). Some of their major attributes are shallow water, high levels of inorganic nutrients, high rates of primary productivity and high intra and inter annual variability in flooding. Physical and chemical factors like climate, topography (i.e. landscape shape), geology, nutrients and hydrology (the quantity and movement of water) help to determine the organisms (i.e. flora and fauna) that inhabit these ecosystems. Governance issues at both local and international scales are also compounding factors that affect wetlands ecosystem dynamics and management. Therefore, this session will provide a platform for papers that highlight the importance of the flood pulse on wetland dynamics, and linked responses in chemistry, biological productivity, biodiversity and human livelihoods, history and culture (the list is not exhaustive). The session will also provide a forum for papers that analyze contemporary issues, practices and future changes and challenges (e.g. climate change, etc.) in wetland governance and sustainability. Trans-boundary issues are also of strategic importance in some wetlands around the world. Therefore, papers discussing management/ governance issues in trans-boundary management of wetlands resources are encouraged. Papers utilizing innovative techniques (e.g. GIS and remote sensing, etc.) in natural resources management are also welcome. In summary, this session will accept papers that have themes on various aspects of ecosystem dynamics, ecosystem services, climate change, water resources management, and sustainable tourism in flood-pulsed ecosystems. It is envisioned that this special session will improve our understanding of natural resources dynamics by exploring all facets of variability and change in flood-pulsed wetlands ecosystems as well as their management.Biography of the Organizer

Ketlhatlogile Keta Mosepele is a Senior Research Scholar in Fisheries Biology and Management at the Okavango Research Institute (ORI) of the University of Botswana, based in Maun. He is also currently an acting Deputy Director of Research Services and Training at ORI for the past three and a half years. Currently, Keta is a PhD candidate with the University of Bergen, Norway working in floodplain fisheries management. This has been the main focus of his research for the past 14 years since he started working for the University of Botswana. During this period, Keta has authored/ co-authored 43 peer reviewed publications (journal articles, book chapters and books) in various aspects of fisheries biology and management and natural resources management. Keta has also within the same period published 11 peer reviewed papers in published conference proceedings and technical reports and has also contributed to 43 conference papers. Furthermore, Keta has graduated one PhD student, four Master level students and is also currently co-supervising one PD student. His key research interests are fisheries biology and management, wetland ecology and natural resources management.
Please email all submissions to by June 15, 2016. Authors MUST include their full contact information in the email.
Important Deadlines
Latest Submissions Due | June 15, 2016 | |
Notification of Acceptance Starting | June 27, 2016 | |
Final Manuscripts Due | August 10, 2016 | |
Registration Deadline | August 10, 2016 |
Papers will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Authors who submit early will receive their feedback and notification early.