The 4th IASTED African Conference on
Health Informatics
AfricaHI 2016
September 5 – 7, 2016
Gaborone, Botswana
CRITICAL CARE TELEMEDICINE: Madadeni-Greys Intensive Care Telemedicine
Telemedicine Africa (Pty) Ltd partnered with the Kwa-Zulu Natal Department of Health’s Telemedicine Department and Dimension Data to implement a Telemedicine Proof of Concept which explored the feasibility a Critical Care Telemedicine System. The POC was conducted between a Regional Level ICU at Madadeni Hospital and a Tertiary Level ICU and Grey’s Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal. For the POC’s purposed, a mobile telemedicine cart was deployed at Madadeni Hospital while Grey’s was equipped with a fixed telemedicine workstation in the Radiology Department. With the telemedicine infrastructure being setup the doctors and specialists in the two hospitals were able to conduct 45-90 minute teleconferencing sessions where patient cases were discussed and decisions were taken in areas such as Ventilation an Sedation Strategies, Neuroprotective Strategies Implementation, Renal Function Management and Antimicrobial choices.Outcomes:
• System allowed for more informed decision making
• Multidisciplinary discussions
• Establish a more efficient patient transfer system
• Teaching of core critical care topics
• Professional upliftment of medical and nursing staff
• Insufficient hardware; Drs wanted extra cameras and document scanners
• Drs suggested the use of HER and PACS for patient information and image sharing
• Greys facilities shared and had limited access
Biography of the Guest Speaker

Currently she holds executive positions at Telemedicine Africa PTY and Sunpa Africa PTY.She also serves as a board member of HCI, a JSE listed company; The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth; Etv, South Africa’s first free-to-air commercial television station; Business System’s Group Africa, and business and software company; Syntell ,a leading blue chip company providing technology based services for Road Safety, Traffic Management and Revenue Collection and Unigas.
Dr Molefi’s leadership abilities can be evidenced in the number of leadership positions she has undertaken both in South Africa and across the globe.
Dr Molefi’s success has been built on a solid work ethic, a belief in the power of technology, and an unwavering insistence that business must do good to do well.