The 7th IASTED International Conference on
Modelling, Simulation and Identification
MSI 2017
July 19 – 20, 2017
Calgary, Canada
Modelling of Natural Hazards: Research at Earth Observation of Environment Laboratory at the University of Calgary
40 Minutes
Biography of the Plenary Speaker

Dr. Quazi Hassan is a professor of Earth Observation in the Department of Geomatics Engineering, and Centre for Environmental Engineering Research and Education (CEERE) at the University of Calgary. His research interests include: (i) application of remote sensing in forecasting and monitoring of natural hazards/disasters, such as forest fire, drought, and flooding; (ii) use of remote sensing and GIS techniques in understanding the dynamics of natural resources, such as forestry, agriculture, and water; and (iii) integration of remote sensing, GIS, and modelling techniques in addressing issues related to energy and environment. In addition, Dr. Hassan is currently serving the editorial board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publication Group) and Remote Sensing (MDPI) among others.