The 6th IASTED African Conference on
Modelling and Simulation
AfricaMS 2016
September 5 – 7, 2016
Gaborone, Botswana
Impact of p-wave interaction with a pair of rigid strips embedded in an orthotropic strip
The present paper is concerned with the problem of scattering of P-wave by two co-planer finite rigid strips placed symmetrically in an infinitely long orthotropic strip. Using Hilbert transform technique, the mixed boundary value problem has been reduced to the solution of dual integral equations which has finally been reduced to the solution of a Fredholm integral equation of second kind. Solving this integral equation numerically, stress intensity factors have been calculated at the inner and outer edges of the rigid strips and vertical displacement outside the strips has been calculated and plotted graphically to show the effect of material orthotropy.Biography of the Guest Speaker

Dr. Sanjoy Basu (born on 15th December, 1982) is presently Associate Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Applied Sciences, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, and West Bengal, India since March, 2016. He did his B.Sc. (2004) and M.Sc. (2006) from Jadavpur University in Mathematics and also did his Ph.D. in Science from Jadavpur University, India. His research areas are Fracture Mechanics, Solid Mechanics and Computer Application in Experimental Mechanics. He has 6 scientific papers published in International Journals and 7 scientific papers published in International and national conference Proceedings and also 6 scientific papers are under review process in different International Journals. He was a member of the FOSSEE Project on computing (Python/ Scilab) collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India funded by MHRD, Government of India (FOSSEE -- Free and Open source Software for Science and Engineering Education). He organized two MHRD funded National Workshop on “Python for scientific computing” during July 7-8, 2010 and on “Scilab” during December 23 – 29, 2010 in collaboration with FOSSEE Project of IIT Bombay at Department of Applied Sciences, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India. He also organized one International Conference on Modern Trends in Applied Mathematics during January 18 – 20, 2016 at Haldia Institute of Technology. He is also a guest faculty of study center of INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, India since 2011. He is a Life member of Calcutta Mathematical Society and Indian Science Congress Association in India.