The 3rd IASTED African Conference on
Health Informatics
AfricaHI 2014
September 1 – 3, 2014
Gaborone, Botswana
Computerized medical pedagogy and modern medical education
Both pedagogy, which is the art of teaching and educational method, that focuses on the recipient of education, changed forever with the advent of information and communications technologies (ICT) that began in the last century. Our interest is not only to celebrate these new modalities of education but to apply them to our own environment of medical and health informatics with the inclusion of the various aspects of the revolution such as - personal computer technology, cybernetics and telephony. We are equally interested in turning our medical education on its head by accommodating these modern technologies of learning for the future. Modern medical education has become too long, too isolated in compartments and full of rĂ´te learning so that the would-be practitioner does not have articulated psychomotor driven learning outcomes and is therefore confused at graduation1. There is presently no vehicle for which learning outcomes can be assessed objectively and therefore prescribed for the would-be practitioner at his/her graduation for acquisition of these skills.We wish to address these deficiencies in our educational methodologies since we are now assisted by the most modern of computer technologies. We must apply all the aspects of ICT and ipso facto, medical and health informatics in training the modern medical and indeed the health professional student so as to expect him/her to practice in a world that is high technology driven. We have provided two websites which are being built for the past 12 years (with approximately 9 years to go) for the application of these modern methodologies of learning.2,3 The method of these sites is referred to as multiple dimension learning so that we have the most basic of which is the 1st dimension of simple collation of textual (and of course hypertextual) data, followed by the 2nd dimension of audio and visual learning with the use of technologies of video and audio learning. The third dimension involves the use of high technology simulations and animations do-it-yourself programs that can make a student learn highfaluting techniques like surgery and even clinical examination, with the help of the computer. This can also be used to evaluate the student for his final examination so that the system has in place means of regulating psychomotor practice of the modern health science graduate. These resource sites can be programmed to provide back links in addition to the two main areas for which they have their specializations in health informatics- integration of information which are now presented in compartments (subjects) to students, and in procedural electronic medicine. They already function in these capacities so that you can for example obtain complete dissection of the human body in one of them3 using both visual method (pictures and videos) and simulated do- it-yourself electronic dissectors in two formats- advanced and elementary. The method of learning has been called integrated procedural electronic medicine (IPEM) since 20091. Other aspects in the websites include Electronic School of Medicine2 which contains tropical medicine and high technology medicine for the two most far apart modalities of health practice in the world. Electronic laboratories are provided in all subjects of medicine to ensure electronic psychomotor learning and also Electronic objective structured clinical assessment (eOSCE) for proper evaluation, especially in clinical skills. There are also complex programs such as electronic midwife, electronic surgeon, electronic doctor and electronic patient tailored for the needs of both basic and high technology students. The websites are presented to the modern world for fine tuning and use in medical and health sciences education and informatics for now and the future.4
1 Ogunranti J.O. (2009). Web-based integrated procedural electronic medicine and medical education. Medical Teacher 31 (6) 562. Paper presented at Imperial College, UK 2 May 2008.
2 Ogunranti J.O. (2013). Website. Electronic School of Medicine
3 Ogunranti J.O. (2013). Website. Human Anatomy Museum, Jos
4 Ogunranti J.O. (1987). Video technology in integrated anatomy education. Journal of Educational Television 13, 63-67.
5 Ogunranti J.O. (2008). Electronic Medicine and Medical Education. Journal of Medicine in the Tropics 10(2): 3-7.
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

trained in Cambridge University UK and is a well known figure in Medical Education and Reproductive research. He has many best lecturer awards from his students and more than 100 International awards for research, teaching, medical education and professional service. He is a Master diplomate of the World Academy of Letters and has over 100 publications in research. He is particularly well noted for his contribution to the science of reproduction through his discovery of the endocrine nature of the fallopian tube. He is also Noble Member of the UK prestigious Chilvaric Order of the Knights of Justice. Sir John lives in Jos, Nigeria where he is Professor of Anatomy of the University of Jos. He was formerly Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Jos from 2004 until September 2006, an experience which has greatly enriched him in the field of Medical Education. He is also Visiting Professor of Anatomy at University of Maiduguri, Nigeria where he uses electronic teaching for students. He introduced research into anthropometry in anatomy in Nigeria including dermatoglyphics. He remains the first in the modern world to use modern computers for virtual clinical examination and to teach patient examination and investigations (and postmortem) and set up a Saturday school for self evaluation by students. All the above led to his Ultimate Achiever Award (see citation) in 2009 for achievements. He traveled around the entire world while young, with a passion for exotic places. While not working he likes listening to music, artistic web design and exotic electronic decorations with art and style. His philosophy is God. He was formerly Visiting Professor of Anatomy at Imperial College, London, UK, where he wrote many computerized practical manuals in anatomy. He has published 14 academic books in medicine and anatomy. Professor John Oluwole Ogunranti
Professor Ogunranti uses his Electronic School to teach medical students round the world and is open to invitation to teach Electronic Medicine, specifically Electronic Anatomy everywhere. He is presently Professor of Anatomy, University of Jos, Nigeria.