The Fourth IASTED International Conference on
Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation
ARP 2007
May 30 – June 1, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Conference Chair

received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 1997 from the University of Toulon, Toulon, France. He is a Full Professor and Director of the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory at the School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Before he joined the University of Ottawa in 2001, he held a faculty position with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is a Guest Professor of Shantou University and Sichuan University, China, and was an Invited Professor with the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 2005. Dr. Yao served as chair or committee member of numerous conferences. He is on the editorial board of The International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology. He received the 2005 International Creative Research Award of the University of Ottawa and the 2007 George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa. Dr. Yao has published over 140 papers in refereed journal and conference proceedings. Dr. Yao is a member of The Optical Society of America, a member of The International Society for Optical Engineering, and a senior member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Jianping Yao
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