The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on
Control and Applications
CA 2010
July 15 – 17, 2010
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Biography of the Conference Chair

received B.S. in 1982, M.S. in 1984, and DEng in 1987 all in Electrical Engineering. During his graduate studies he worked on research projects sponsored by NASA Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center, as well as Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing Program (CAMP). In 1987 he joined the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University as an Assistant Professor. He is currently a Full Professor in the School. Since 2002, he has been the Director of the School of Engineering Science and has overseen major expansion of the School during this period. In 2004, he articulated the vision of starting the Mechatronic Systsmes Engineering (MSE) program at SFU's newest Campus in Surrey. He planned and rolled out the program at both graduate and undergraduate levels in 2007. Mehrdad Saif
The program, still under construction and expansion has been a huge success so far. From 1993-1994, Saif was a Visiting Scholar at General Motors North American Operation (NAO) R & D Center in Warren, MI. At GM he was a member of the Powertrain Control Group in the Electrical and Electronics Research Department where he worked on engine control and on-board engine diagnostic problems.
Saif's research interests are in estimation and observer theory, model based fault diagnostics, and application of these to automotive, power, and other complex engineering systems. He has published over 160 refereed journal and conference papers plus an edited book in these areas. Saif has been a consultant to a number of industries and agencies such as GM, NASA, B.C. Hydro, Ontario Council of Graduate Studies, and others. He served two terms (1995,1997) as the Chairman of the Vancouver Section of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and is currently a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Systems Journal, International Journal of Control and Computers, IEEE CDC, and ACC. Saif is Senior Member of IEEE, and a Registered Professional Engineer in British Columbia.