The 6th IASTED International Conference on
Modelling, Simulation and Identification
MSI 2016
August 16 – 18, 2016
Campinas, Brazil
Dr. Flávio Vasconcelos da Silva
Chem. Engng /University of Campinas, Brazil
Biography of the Conference Chair

Associate Professor of Process Control (UNICAMP- 2012), Doctor of Food Engineering (UNICAMP-2003), Master in Food Engineering (UNICAMP-1998) and a degree in Chemical Engineering (UFS-1994). Serves as Associate Professor (MS5) in the Department of Chemical System Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering UNICAMP. He has experience in Chemical Engineering with emphasis in Industrial Process Automation, acting on the following topics:. Process Control, Artificial Intelligence (Fuzzy Control and Neural Networks), Industrial Instrumentation and Industrial Refrigeration (Text informed by the author)