The Tenth IASTED International Conference on
Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
CATE 2007
October 8 – 10, 2007
Beijing, China
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Local Arrangements Chair

Dr. Huang is a visionary and activist in the field exploring how to improve human learning by developing new tools and utilizing new method innovatively, especially collaboratively learning and its supporting software. He holds a Science Master from Department of Mathematics (1988) and a Ph. D from School of Information Science (2000), both in BNU. He had been engaged in teaching mathematical course as well as developing computer software for 8 years since 1988, and then turned to study educational technology.
Dr. Huang has been engaged in the research on educational technology as well as knowledge engineering since 1997. He has concluded or is working on over 30 projects, including those of key science and technology project to be tackled in the national "Ninth Five-year Plan" and "Tenth Five-year Plan," and the projects in the national 863 plan as well as others financed by government. He has had more than 70 academic papers and 20 books published.
Dr. Huang is a frequent speaker and participates in many top China academic committees and organizations in the field of educational technology, e-Learning, teacher education, learning sciences, and so on. He is co-chair of the program committee of the 6th and 8th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, and the chair of organizing committee of the 14th International Conference on Computers in Education (
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