The IASTED International Conference on
Wireless Communications
WC 2011
June 1 – 3, 2011
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Evolution of a Dynamic, Multi-Cell, and Self-Optimizing Communication Space
How are research, innovations and technology evolution enabling the increasingly mobile and seamlessly connected world? What are the key user requirements? What and where is the traffic? Does the linear advancement of current capabilities such as speed, capacity, or storage meet the requirements? What is the nature of paradigm change?Objectives
This keynote session aims to picture an end to end perspective on wireless technology evolution in the next 2-10 years. The main dynamics and attributes of paradigm change and new trends are discussed, along with key requirements of research, innovations, standardization, and the global ecosystem. Javan will share a perspective on short, mid, and long term vision of the future. In the emerging and mid-term view, trends towards multi-cell, re-configurability, openness & application-innovation, knowledge-based operation, and seamless user experience across a variety of user devices and sensors are discussed. In sharing a longer term vision, broader view of research, including nanotechnology, further evolution of grids and sensors, context-awareness, quantum computing, robotics and bio engineering are briefly highlighted, along with their implications.
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

Javan has taught many academic and industry courses and programs, particularly on Communications and Wireless Systems. In his IEEE involvement, Javan was Chair of Communications Society in Toronto, and the Canadian correspondent for Communications Magazine in late 90s. He received the IEEE Millennium Medal in 2000. He has been a Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer for years, an editor and author for the Wireless Engineering Book of Knowledge and a member of IEEE (Wireless Certification) Industry Advisory Board.
Javan grew up in Iran and completed his education at the University of Calgary and the University of Toronto. His earlier publications are cited in research journals and books. His recent contributions to research forums & standards bodies have focused on future wireless technologies from service environment and user interaction to next-generation networks, spectrum, operational excellence, and long-term vision.