The IASTED International Conference on
Engineering and Applied Science
EAS 2012

Engineering Applications for the 21st Century

December 27 – 29, 2012
Colombo, Sri Lanka


Dr. Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Biography of the Special Session Chair

Special Session Chair Portrait

Marcelo H. Ang, Jr. received Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester, New York in 1988 and was an Assistant Professor in the same department.. In 1989, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the National University of Singapore, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests span the areas of robotics, mechatronics, autonomous systems, and applications of intelligent systems. He teaches robotics; creativity and innovation, applied electronics and instrumentation; computing; design and related areas. In addition to academic and research activities, he is actively involved in the Singapore Robotic Games as its founding chairman.