The IASTED International Conference on
Telematics and Applications
Telematics 2007
August 29 – 31, 2007
Wuerzburg, Germany
Past Conference Information
The Telematics and Applications 2007 conference in Wuerzburg, Germany has ended.
Conference ProceedingsThe Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website: |
Conference Chair
Prof. Klaus Schilling
Julius-Maximilians-University, Germany
Julius-Maximilians-University, Germany

Keynote Speaker
"Tele-Operation by the Aid of Cognition Based Tele-Interaction"
Dr. Aarne Halme
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Dr. Aarne Halme
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Special Sessions
Mr. Frank Schneider
FGAN-FKIE, Germany
FGAN-FKIE, Germany
Dirk Schulz
University of Bonn, Germany
University of Bonn, Germany

Dr. Gerard T. Mckee
University of Reading, United Kingdom
University of Reading, United Kingdom

Raúl Marín Prades
Jaume I University of Castellon, Spain
Jaume I University of Castellon, Spain

Host Organization

University of Würzburg