The IASTED International Conference on
Web-based Education
WBE 2005

February 21 – 23, 2005
Grindelwald, Switzerland

Past Conference Information

The Web-based Education 2005 conference in Grindelwald, Switzerland has ended.

Conference Proceedings

The Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website:

Conference Chair

Dr. Vladimir Uskov
Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems and
Co-Director of the InterLabs Research Institute
Bradley University, USA
Conference Chair Portrait

Invited Speaker

"Swiss Virtual Campus: Lessons Learned from a Five-Year Nationwide Experience"

Dr. Maia Wentland Forte
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Invited Speaker Portrait

Keynote Speaker

"How Web-Based Education and e-Learning Changes Pedagogies and Creates New Educational Culture"

Dr. Toshio Okamoto
President, Japanese Society for Information and Systems on Education
Director, e-Learning Center,
The Universty of Electro-Communications, Japan
Keynote Speaker Portrait

Tutorial Session

"Web-based Education through careful Selection and Evaluation of Digital Learning Materials"
Dr. Joseph Tront
Virginia Tech, USA
Tutorial Session Portrait
Mr. Brandon Muramatsu
University of California, Berkeley, USA

Special Sessions

"Web-based Education for Elementary and Infant Education"

Dr. Hirohide Haga
Doshisha University, Japan
Special Session Portrait
"Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies"

Assc. Prof. Spiros Sirmakessis
Technological Educational Institute of Messolongi, Greece
Special Session Portrait
Prof. Demetrios Sampson
University of Piraeus & CERTH, Greece
Special Session Portrait
Prof. Dr Kinshuk
Athabasca University, Canada