The IASTED International Conference on
Telehealth / Assistive Technologies
TAT 2008
April 16 – 18, 2008
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Past Conference Information
The Telehealth / Assistive Technologies 2008 conference in Baltimore, Maryland, USA has ended.
Conference ProceedingsThe Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website: |
Conference Chairs
Dr. Ronald Merrell
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Prof. Rory A. Cooper
University of Pittsburgh, USA
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Keynote Speakers
"The Medical Home - Next Generation Patient-Centric Telemedicine Services"
Dr. Richard Bakalar
Chief Medical Officer
IBM Corporation, USA
Dr. Richard Bakalar
Chief Medical Officer
IBM Corporation, USA

"War Injuries and the Challenges to Rehabilitation"
Dr. Paul Pasquina
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Dr. Paul Pasquina
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA

Tutorial Sessions
Dr. Erik Wolf
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Ms. Barri L. Schnall
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA

Brian S. Baum
Department of Orthopaedics, USA
Department of Orthopaedics, USA

Johanna Bell
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Mr. Joseph Miller
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, USA

L. H. V. van der Woude
Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands

Alicia M. Koontz
University of Pittsburgh, USA
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Panel Sessions
"Promoting Self-Care with Telehomecare: Lessons Learned in Balancing Culture and Technology"
Prof. Kathryn H. Bowles
Associate Professor and Director of Health Informatics Minor
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Kathryn H. Bowles
Associate Professor and Director of Health Informatics Minor
University of Pennsylvania, USA

"International Organizations and the Emergence of the Quality of Life Technology (QOLT) Concept: Harmonization and Dissonance"
Prof. Katherine Seelman
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Prof. Katherine Seelman
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Cooperating Societies
Smart Homes and Ambient Assisted Living (SHAAL)
International Conference on Computers Helping People (ICCHP)