The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications
SEA 2008
November 16 – 18, 2008
Orlando, Florida, USA
Past Conference Information
The Software Engineering and Applications 2008 conference in Orlando, Florida, USA has ended.
Conference ProceedingsThe Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website: |
Conference Chair
Prof. Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Florida Atlantic University, USA
Florida Atlantic University, USA

Keynote Speaker
"High-Impact Problem-Driven Innovation and Research – Business Continuity Information Network"
Dr. Yi Deng
Florida International University, USA
Dr. Yi Deng
Florida International University, USA

Tutorial Session
"Designing Secure Architectures using Security Patterns"
Dr. Eduardo B. Fernandez
Florida Atlantic University, USA
Dr. Eduardo B. Fernandez
Florida Atlantic University, USA