The IASTED International Conference on
Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field
ATEF 2006
February 6 – 8, 2006
Lanzarote, Spain
Stormwater Management
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

is a Lecturer (Grade B) in Civil and Environmental Engineering in the top-rated Institute for Infrastructure and Environment at The University of Edinburgh. Previously, he held a Lectureship in Environmental Water Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Bradford. His research is principally concerned with water and wastewater treatment. He has an internationally recognized track record in experimental investigations of constructed treatment wetlands and sustainable urban drainage systems. His interests in urban water are currently pursued in a number of different contexts including sludge dewaterability testing, contaminated stormwater runoff treatment with biological reed bed filters, natural wetlands, modeling of ecological and water quality relationships within filters and pond systems, and tertiary treatment of agricultural wastewater with biomembranes. Dr. Miklas Scholz
Dr. Scholz was recently awarded a Global Research Award (hydraulics of drainage ditches in Germany; hosted by the University of Kiel) and an Industrial Secondmentship (sustainable urban drainage system management in Glasgow; hosted by Glasgow City Council) by The Royal Academy of Engineering. He also received research funding as a principal investigator from the Natural Environment Research Council, The University of Edinburgh Development Trust, Atlantis Water Management, and Formpave. Dr Scholz published 37 peer reviewed top journal papers since 2001. He is an Editorial Board member of two highly rated journals.
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