The IASTED International Conference on
Communication Systems, Networks and Applications
CSNA 2007

October 8 – 10, 2007
Beijing, China


Peer-to-Peer and Other Service Overlay Networks on the Internet: Architectures for Established and new Evolving Services, Measurement, and Evaluation of Traffic and Usage Pattern

Gerhard Haßlinger
Deutsche Telekom, Germany







Tutorial Materials


Target Audience


Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants


Qualifications of the Instructor(s)


Tutorial Session Portrait

Dr. Gerhard Haßlinger received his doctoral degree and postdoctoral lecture qualification from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, in 1986 and 1994, where he was with the computer science department from 1984 – 1996.
In 1996 he joined Deutsche Telekom starting as a consultant on reliable and secure communication for enterprises operating global networks at T-Systems headquarters, Frankfurt. Since 1999 he is with T-Systems Technologiezentrum, Darmstadt, where he is involved in the design of the Internet platform for integration and support architectures of future Internet services. Besides continuing lectures at Darmstadt University, he is heading or participating in several research groups in the telecommunication sector from the view of Internet service providers as well as from a scientific view. He is a delegate of Deutsche Telekom in the IETF and ETSI standardization in the area of fixed mobile convergence.
His research interests include performance, reliability and quality of service aspects of computer and communication networks, information theory, and coding. Currently he is contributing to European and German research projects on traffic engineering and peer-to-peer networking. Since 2001 he participated in several Eurescom projects on traffic management in IP and mobile networks. He was leader of the EURESCOM project on "The impact of peer-to-peer networking on network operators and ISPs" ( He is a team leader in the Euro-NGI/Euro-FGI network of excellence ( He is also heading an ongoing project on "Traffic modelling and quality of service aspects for integrated services networks" ( of the German research council (DFG). He is a member of several conference committees in the telecommunication and performance modelling area.

