The Second IASTED Asian Conference on
Power and Energy Systems
AsiaPES 2008
April 2 – 4, 2008
Langkawi, Malaysia
Fault Analysis in Transmission System
Tutorial Materials
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

Ir. Sazali P. Abdul Karim , P. Eng., ASEAN Eng., APEC Eng., IntPE, has more than 19 years of experience in transmission protection systems, specializing in fault investigation with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), a power utility in Malaysia. His work has contributed to a significant reduction of system minutes. Sazali received an award from the Malaysian Government, which was presented by H.M. the King in June 2000 for his contribution to avoiding serious financial losses to TNB during minor and major trippings. Sazali received his Degree in Electrical Engineering with Honours from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He holds a Master Degree in the same discipline with a specialization in Fault Analysis for Transmission System. His research interests are in the areas of Protection System and Fault Signature Analysis. During his research in these areas, he obtained two patents, a copyright and an IPSAZ™ trademark. He is currently a member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia, a corporate member of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia and a member of Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques Paris. He is also a registered Professional Engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organization, The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and The International Engineer Register.
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