The Eighth IASTED International Conference on
Web-Based Education
WBE 2009
March 16 – 18, 2009
Phuket, Thailand
Using Mashups in Education: Web Technology Review and Sample Applications
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Qualifications of the Instructor(s)s

received a diploma in computer science from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and a PhD degree and Venia Legendi in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. He is a computer science professor at the University of Basel, Switzerland. His research interests include high performance computing and he has been involved in many HPC software developments and applications. Burkhart has held successful tutorials at previous IASTED conferences and has been chair of PDCN Innsbruck for some time. Helmar Burkhart

is a researcher within the High Performance and Web Computing Group of the University of Basel where he received a PhD in Computer Science. Rizzotti has several projects in the field of Web Mashup and Social Software. He received the IASTED CATE best software product award in 2006 for his e-learning system Tetrodo. Sven Rizzotti
Both Burkhart and Rizzotti are members of the PharmaSquare project team, which was the winner of the 2003 Medida-Prix, the leading European award for innovations in university education.
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