The Fourth IASTED International Conference on
Computational Intelligence
CI 2009
August 17 – 19, 2009
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Cognitive Computational Intelligence: Data Mining, Financial Prediction, Tracking, Fusion, Language, Cognition, and Cultural Evolution
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

is Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Principal Research Physicist and Technical Advisor at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Hanscom Air Force Base. He leads research projects on integration of sensor data with knowledge, multi-sensor systems, recognition, tracking, fusion, cognitive algorithms, neural networks, modelling the mind, languages, and cultures. As Chief Scientist at Nichols Research, a $0.5B high-tech organization, he led the corporate research in intelligent systems and neural networks; served as professor at Novosibirsk University and New York University; and as a principal in commercial start-ups, developed tools for biotechnology, text understanding, and financial predictions. His company predicted the market crash following 9/11 a week before the event, detecting ripples from Al Qaeda trades, and later helped SEC track the perpetrators. He is invited as a keynote plenary speaker and tutorial lecturer worldwide, having published more than 300 papers, 10 book chapters, and three books: two books with Springer in 2007, and Neural Networks and Intellect, Oxford University Press, 2001 (currently in third printing). Dr. Perlovsky organizes conferences on Computational Intelligence, chairs the IEEE Boston Computational Intelligence Chapter; and serves on the Editorial Board for Neural Networks, as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. He is Editor-at-Large for Natural Computations, Editor-in-Chief for Physics of Life Reviews (which he founded jointly with Nobel Laureate I. Prigogine), and is on the INNS Board of Governors. He received national and international awards including the Gabor Award 2007, the top engineering award from the International Neural Network Society; and the John McLucas Award 2007, the highest US Air Force award for scientific research. Dr. Leonid Perlovsky
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