The Ninth IASTED International Conference on
Web-based Education
WBE 2010

March 15 – 17, 2010
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt


Web-Based Workplace Learning

Prof. Vladan Devedzic
University of Belgrade, Serbia


3 hours


Workplace learning is about getting new skills and competences that allow people to do their job better, more accurately, and in a more competitive way. All employees need to learn – novices and experienced workers alike. Although in many cases there is no formal enrolment and assessment as in educational institutions, most other aspects of learning feature educational institutions and workplaces alike.
Just like in learning in educational institutions, Web technologies can help enormously in workplace learning. We are witnessing a booming of Web technologies that support and stimulate learning at workplaces. They range from specific (educational) uses of current general Web technologies, to domain-specific and workplace-specific Web-based learning tools and techniques.
Getting introduced to a set of important principles and guidelines of Web-based workplace learning can dramatically raise learning organizations' competitiveness and greatly reduce the costs of increasing the level of skills of employees in such organizations.


This tutorial is practically oriented. It covers recommendations, experiences, and practices of Web-based workplace learning in different types of organizations, both from the employees' and employers' perspectives. Research perspectives and trends are covered as well.
The objectives of the tutorial include:


The tutorial starts with a brief overview of the basic principles and motivation for WBE at workplaces (15 min). Then it discusses extensively the principles, guidelines, and tools needed to include in nowadays workplace learning, as well as carefully designed pedagogical and management strategies that help introduce Web-based workplace learning practices successfully (1 hr 15 min). A number of existing software tools, applications, systems and development environments are then analyzed in order to illustrate current WBE technology that learning organizations typically embrace, and to indicate directions for future developments (1 hr 30 min). A practical exercise with such tools is provided for participants. Throughout the tutorial, advice and recommendations are given w.r.t. best practices that lead to picking important experience quickly.
Specifically, the topics covered include:

During the tutorial, the attendees are supposed to work interactively with the tutorial presenter on at least one practical example, using appropriate software tools.

Target Audience

Developers of WBE systems, managers of R&D institutions, students, practitioners, researchers, and other professionals in the broad field of WBE.

Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants

Basic knowledge of XML technologies, Social Web, and Semantic Web.

Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

Tutorial Session Portrait

Vladan Devedžic is both an active researcher and practitioner in the fields of intelligent systems and software engineering. His major long-term professional goal is a continuous effort to bring close together the ideas from the broad fields of intelligent systems and software engineering. In that sense, his current efforts and research interests are oriented towards practical engineering aspects of developing intelligent educational systems on the Web. He has written more than 260 papers (50 of them have been published in internationally recognized journals by publishers such as ACM, IEEE, Elsevier, etc.), six books on intelligent systems, and several chapters in books on intelligent systems and software engineering edited by distinguished scientists.
His recent 2 books, entitled "Model Driven Architecture and Ontology Development" and "Semantic Web and Education" (Springer Verlag, Berlin/New York) are due Summer 2006.
He has also developed several practical intelligent systems and tools, and actively participates as a consultant to several ongoing projects in industry. He is an associated partner at the EU Framework 6 IST Network of Excellence project ProLearn, and a member of the ARIADNE Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool. Here is the excerpt from his publication record, showing only some of his most important and most recent publications (full list of his publications is available upon request):
Vladan Devedžic is a Professor of Computer Science with the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, FON - School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade. He teaches several courses on intelligent systems and software engineering, and is the chair of intelligent systems tracks in the program committees of several international conferences. He was the Program Chair/Co-Chair of three international conferences, several international workshops, and has given invited talks at three international conferences. So far, he has also given 24 different tutorials on intelligent systems and software engineering at international conferences, numerous lectures and in-house seminars on different software engineering topics, and seven nationwide tutorials on current trends in software engineering.