The 13th IASTED International Conference on
Signal and Image Processing
SIP 2011
December 14 – 16, 2011
Dallas, USA
High-Performance Embedded Image and Signal Processing
The growing capacity of VLSI devices is providing huge amount of resources to system designers. Very complex systems can nowadays be implemented on a single chip, with considerable performance increase and power saving features. In the mean-time despite progress in high-level design paradigms, our capability of leverage the available resource for complex applications is limited. Image and signal processing are two fields of applications that can actually benefit from exploiting the multimillion resource of VLSI, which will lead to more compact, low-power and cost-effective systems as required in embedded environments. To get there, efficient design methodologies that provide as seamless mapping image and signal processing algorithms onto architecture best tailored for the target applications are required. Reconfigurable devices like FPGA can provided an added value in making the system more flexible, while maintaining its performance.The purpose of the session “High-Performance Embedded Image and Signal Processing” is to bring researchers working in the field of image processing, signal processing, system on chip, computer architecture and embedded systems with the goal of presenting their work and discussing ways to bridge their knowledge in one unify approach for tackling the performance issues of image and processing applications in embedded environments.
Authors are encouraged to submit their paper under the IASTED-SIP submission page with a reference to this session.
Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Moreover, submission to this session will be deemed to imply that the manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere if accepted.
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Fields of interest for this session are but not limited to:
-Massive Parallel Image and Signal Processing Methods
-Image and Signal Processing in System on Chips (SoCs) and Multicores
-FPGA Implementation of Signal and Video-Processing
-Case Studies of Image and Signal Processing with Embedded Processors
-Mapping approaches for Mapping Image Processing onto FP
-Tool support for Hardware/Software design of On-Chip Multiprocessor for Signal and/or Video applications
-Embedded Smart Cameras and Applications
Biography of the Special Session Organizer

Dr. Bobda is member of The IEEE Computer Society, the ACM and the GI. He is also in the program committee of several conferences (FPL, FPT, RAW, RSP, ERSA, RECOSOC, DRS), the DATE executive committee as proceedings chair (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). He served as reviewer of several journals (IEEE TC, IEEE TVLSI, Elsevier Journal of Microprocessor and Microsystems, Integration the VLSI Journal) and conferences (DAC, DATE, FPL, FPT, SBCCI, RAW, RSP, ERSA), and as guest editor of the Hindawi International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing and the Elsevier Journal of Microprocessor and Microsystems. Dr. Bobda is the author of one of first the most comprehensive book in the rapid growing field of Reconfigurable Computing.