The Fourth IASTED International Conference on
Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation
ARP 2007
May 30 – June 1, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Radio over Fiber Technologies and Applications
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Special Session Organizer

is Associate Professor at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Parma, Italy, where he teaches guided propagation, microwaves, electromagnetic fields, and photonic components courses for the curricula in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering. His research activity is focused on the study of integrated and fiber optics devices. In particular, he has been involved in the study of optical amplifiers, starting from erbium-doped ones suitable for amplification in the C band and subsequently extended to S and L bands. During the last years, intense laboratory work was devoted to the successful construction of a new scanning near-field optical microscope for the study of the near field emitted by standard and micro-structured fibers. Scientific activity is now mainly focused on the study of photonic-crystal optical fibers, performed in partnership with several European research centres, and the study of Radio over Fiber technologies aimed at extending the radio cellular coverage particularly suitable for multi-operator and multi-band scenarios. This activity is performed in partnership with another university in Italy and leading companies in the field, and is supported by the Regional Government of Emilia-Romagna in Italy. Stefano Selleri is co-author of more than 100 papers published on international journals and presented to the main international conferences. He is a reviewer for many scientific journals in the field and serves as a member of several technical committees of international conferences. Stefano Selleri
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