The 16th IASTED International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications
SEA 2012
November 12 – 14, 2012
Las Vegas, USA
Design and Run Your Object Models in the Cloud with MyDraft - An Agile Model-driven Cloud-based Platform for Data-oriented Rich Web Applications
3 hours
As technology and business requirements evolve at an unprecedented rate, building and evolving software has never been harder. Cloud computing brings excitement for a broader business audience but also generates anxiety towards deeper technical issues and raises new methodological challenges. Get started in cloud design with MyDraft, a cloud-based design platform.
This tutorial will empower the audience to build and run data-oriented rich web applications without coding. We will focus on agile domain specific design. Using only their web browser, participants will design and run naked models in very short iterations. They will also build rich web GUI using high level components in order to check use case scenarios and meet evolution challenges.
MyDraft is a cloud-based platform designed to cope simulta-neously with evolution at several levels: data, model and meta-model. MyDraft manages data, models and meta-models in a unique versioned repository, embracing the executable model-driven paradigm rather than code generation techniques. Design time and runtime activities are therefore unified and the system almost never stops.
The tutorial will illustrate how to model, build and run a specific data-driven rich web application from scratch in minutes, with no technical skills. As these activities are notoriously collaborative, the traceability becomes essential. In MyDraft, design time and runtime activities are collapsed in a storage space-time continuum. Data and metadata are versioned accordingly. Both end users and designers can travel in time and learn from their experience. The evolution support will progressively help to promote better models, more experienced designers and happier end-users, making prosper the cloud-based ecosystem itself.
The main objective of the tutorial is to produce interactive bottom-up design experience based on short feedback loops, with a focus on the evolution. A primer of evolutionary object design and rich web GUI assembling will be presented. Specific cloud computing challenges and solutions will also be discussed.Timeline
The tutorial will be covering the following topics (10 min. each):
• Evolutionary object design: promises and limitations
• Cloud design: high expectations and hard challenges
• Insecure requirements vs. robust cloud design projects
• Cloud-based prototyping tools: a sci-fi overview
• Introduction to MyDraft designer: the IDE and main features
• Projects, models, GUI, applications, roles and permissions
• My very first naked flying object and it’s big mama class
• Meet the cloud GUI fashion: dull but customizable rich grid
• Primitive attributes and featured pockets
• Associations, drop-down boxes and master-detail relationships
• Forms, charts and maps: foldable panels, tabs and composites
• Adding behavior to objects and trigger it from the GUI
• Cloud unit testing and quality assurance
• Inheritance and 3D side effects: guess who am I
• Bidirectional associations and iterations
• Generating UML class diagrams
• ScrumBar: sip a beer with the product owner and the band
• Object’s karma: versioning objects and values, in colors
• Back to the future: déjà-vu and time-travels
More than 60% of the time will be dedicated to live demonstrations and practice with step-by-step instructions. iTunesU-like course material including videos, exercises and quizzes will be available for the participants.
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
No background knowledge is expected of the participants other than basic object design. Coding skills are optional, as the main part of the material will run without code. Few informative code examples are given.Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

Mickael Zam, PhD, is co-founder and CSO of KarmicSoft, Associate Professor at Paris Dauphine University, and member of IEEE Computer Society. He holds innovation awards and patents on evolution and traceability of both data and software. He and his team build reflexive tools, flexible applications and traceable solutions. He faced design challenges, meta bugs, and knows the real story of aggressive software evolution from inside.