The 6th IASTED African Conference on
Modelling and Simulation
AfricaMS 2016
September 5 – 7, 2016
Gaborone, Botswana
Modelling, Computational Simulation, and Biomechanics
The advent of powerful computers has made possible significant advances in the realistic modelling of natural phenomena and technological applications. In this way, scientific computing has developed to become a peer methodology, alongside theory and experiment, for scientific and engineering studies. This talk will focus on a particular area of modelling and computation, viz. that of biomechanics. The presentation will provide an overview of the modelling of the behaviour of complex biological materials and their physiology, within the framework of solid and fluid mechanics. By developing and implementing appropriate algorithms, these theoretical models can be solved approximately, and can be used to explore and simulate physiological phenomena with high accuracy. The process of modelling and simulation will be illustrated using various examples from cardiovascular mechanics.Biography of the Plenary Speaker

Professor B. D. Reddy is a Full Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, South Africa. He holds the South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics. He was awarded a Ph. D. Degree for a dissertation entitled “The Elastic and Plastic Buckling of Circular Cylinders in Bending” by the University of Cambridge in 1977. He has over 40 years of teaching experience at university level, has won several honors and awards, and has held several leadership positions at UCT and on various national and international committees. His research interests lie at the intersection of continuum mechanics, applied functional analysis, and numerical analysis and computing. His work in computational mechanics is motivated by applications in materials science and clinical medical science. He has held visiting positions and delivered keynote and invited lectures and organized several workshops and conferences in countries around the world. He has supervised 30 masters’ students and 23 Ph. D. students. He is a member of several academic societies, on editorial and advisory boards of 10 and a reviewer for 26 international Journals. He has authored/co-authored 9 books, and has published over 170 articles in international journals.