The 19th IASTED International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
PDCS 2007
November 19 – 21, 2007
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Simulation for Grid Computing
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Qualifications of the Instructor(s)

is an assistant lecturer and holds a position at the Nancy University in France. He conducts his teaching in the ESIAL engineering school and his research in the LORIA laboratory from the INRIA institute. He defended his PhD at the ENS-Lyon, France, in 2003. Martin Quinson
Quinson is one of the main SimGrid developers since 2002. He is a Program Committee member of the First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTools, sponsored by the French section of IEEE and the SIGSIM chapter). He is also Program Committee Chair of the ASSESS workshop on Assessing Models of Networks and Distributed Computing Platforms to be held in conjunction with CCGrid08.
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