The 16th IASTED International Conference on
Applied Simulation and Modelling
ASM 2007
August 29 – 31, 2007
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Challenges and Opportunities for Human Behaviour Modelling in Applied Simulation
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

is Full Professor at University of Genoa, Director of the M&S Net (34 centers worldwide) director of the Genoa Center of the McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences (MISS, an Institution with over 25 Centers distributed worldwide) President of the Liophant Simulation, VicePresident of MIMOS (Movimento Italiano di Simulazione), member of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). Agostino Bruzzone
His field of interest is simulation-based applications for industrial plants, developing new methodologies and intelligent system integration techniques, Data Fusion, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Interoperability. He gives lectures on Project Management, Logistics and Modeling & Simulation for Undergraduate, Graduate, PhD and Post Graduated Classes. Prof.Bruzzone is Project Manager and Scientific responsible of several R&D Projects in three main area of activities: Virtual Simulation, Decision Support Systems and Defense Applications. R&D activities include Modelling & Simulation, Human Machine Interface, Engineering and Operational Research; research projects focus on development of Innovative solutions, testing and experimentation on real plants, equipment for verification, validation and accreditation.
Currently he leads a Joint Venture for a Simulator devoted to Investigate within unclassified environment the Nato Nec Command & Control Maturity Modeling (PANOPEA: Piracy Asymmetric Naval Operation Patterns, modeling for Education & Analysis) as well as projects focused on modeling Asymmetric Environments (PIOVRA: civil disorders and terrorism, CAPRICORN: CIMIC and PSYOPS, CGF C4 IT: communication issues versus asymmetric, IA-CGF: Simulator for Humanitarian Operation).
He is Editor for the “International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling-IJSPM” and Associate Editor for “Simulation”, as well as General Chair of I3M International Multi-Conference.