The IASTED International Conference on
Telematics and Applications
Telematics 2007
August 29 – 31, 2007
Wuerzburg, Germany
Tele-Operation by the Aid of Cognition Based Tele-Interaction
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

is the head of the Automation Technology Laboratory at Helsinki University of Technology. Presently he is also the leader of the Finnish Academy Centre of Excellence in Generic Intelligent Machines Research. His background is in control and systems engineering. He started his academic carrier in 1972 as an associate professor at Tampere University of Technology and has done research in many fields of systems science and automation during his career. Since the mid 80's he has worked actively with intelligent field and service robotics research including the development of mobility means, like walking and hybrid mechanisms, navigation and perception systems, and interactive human robot interfaces. His recent interest is in cognitive human robot interfaces and the concept of presence enabling a high level conceptual communication and task division between the robot and its user. Professor Aarne Halme
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