The Fifth IASTED International Conference on
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
SPPRA 2008
February 13 – 15, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria
Splines: A Unifying Framework for Signal and Image Processing
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

is Professor and Director of EPFL's Biomedical Imaging Group, Lausanne, Switzerland. His main research area is biomedical image processing. He has a strong interest in sampling theories, multi-resolution algorithms, wavelets, and the use of splines for image processing. He has published over 150 journal papers on those topics, and is one of ISI's Highly Cited authors in Engineering ( Michael Unser
From 1985 to 1997, he was with the Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, conducting research on bioimaging and heading the Image Processing Group.
Dr. Unser is a fellow of the IEEE and the recipient of three Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
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