The IASTED International Conference on
Circuits and Systems
CS 2010

August 23 – 25, 2010
Maui, Hawaii, USA


A User–Centric Energy Management of Electronic Devices and Systems

Dr. Vasily G. Moshnyaga
Fukuoka University, Japan


Reducing energy consumption has become an important design problem. Although most of consumer electronic systems are user centric (they receive inputs from the user and deliver services to the user), existing energy management policies, such as application-driven system reconfiguration, dynamic voltage-frequency scaling, energy-quality scaling, etc., are device centric. Namely, they either ignore the user, assuming unchangeable operational environment for the device or rely on very simplified policies, which eventually lead to large energy losses. In this talk we present a new energy management approach that allows electronic systems to monitor their users for energy saving. The approach is based on a very low-power user sensing hardware capable of evaluating and monitoring the user's demands to system operation and adjust the operation to the variation in the demands. We discuss applications of this novel approach in personal computers, television sets, personal media gadgets, home automation system and show the results of their experimental evaluation.

Biography of the Plenary Speaker

Plenary Speaker Portrait

Vasily Moshnyaga received Computer Engineering Degree with Honors from Technical State University, Sevastopol, USSR in 1980 and Ph.D. in computer engineering from Moscow Aviation Institute in 1986. Till 1992 he was a faculty of Technical University of Moldova. From 1992 to 1998 he was a lecture at the Department of Electronics and Communication of Kyoto University, Japan. Since 1998 he has been with Fukuoka University, Japan, where he is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science. In 2005-2006 he was a visiting scientist of Computer Science Department, UCLA. His research interests are in the areas of computer architecture, video processing, VLSI design and design methodologies with a particular emphasis on energy-efficient design techniques. He has authored or co-authored over 150 referred journal and conference publications and holds five patents.
Dr. Moshnyaga is a member of organizing committees of the Asia-Pacific Design Automation Conference, Asia Pacific Conference on Chip Design Languages, and a technical program committee member of several conferences including IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ACM/IEE International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design, IEEE System on Chip Conference, IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics, etc. He is a member of IEEE CAS Technical Committee on VLSI and an Associate Editor of the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communication and Computer Sciences. Dr. Moshnyaga is a senior member of IEEE, Computer System Society and Circuits and System Society, a member of Information Processing Society of Japan, and Engineering Sciences Society of Japan.