The IASTED International Conference on
Web-based Education
WBE 2006
January 23 – 25, 2006
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Web-Based Learning Communities: Improving Tools and Methods
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

Dr. Piet Kommers is Associate Professor at the University of Twente ( and part time Lector at the Fontys Academy in The Netherlands. His specialties are advanced learning tools like Concept Mapping, Virtual Reality and Mobile Learning. His research and teaching stretches from teacher education via European Joint Research Projects to international projects under the auspices of UNESCO. His recent publications are on learner's preconceptions and representations that express pre-intuitive ideas before actual learning may start: Cognitive Support for Learning; Imagining the Unknown. He is editor in several research journals and organizes conferences in Mobile Learning 'IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2005' and E-societies 'IADIS International Conference e-Society 2005'. Based upon his earlier research into cognitive styles and ergonomics he recently initiated experiments in consolidation for memory enhancements through sleeping stages. The central hypothesis to be tested is that various levels of attention and consciousness need to be taken into account for optimizing learners' long term integration of new into prior knowledge. In this key-note he will articulate the need for WWW-based Communities in order to anchor social development, job-based training and life-long learning. The key notion is that expertise manifests between rather than in individuals; Essential learning takes place in team work. The WWW and subsequent tools for sharing and restructuring experiences need to be tailored to envisaged learning. Experiential modeling and existential awareness rather than test-driven training are crucial in sustainable learning. Interactive examples will be demonstrated, leading to the essential question if and how we going to manage to benefit from contructionism without suffering from "empty" curricula and study skills without in-depth knowledge and understanding.
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