The IASTED International Conference on
Optical Communication Systems and Networks
OCSN 2006
July 3 – 5, 2006
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Optical Micro/Nano-Networks: Visins, Challenges, and Progress
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

graduated with a BSEE, summa cum laude, from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1970, and subsequently received MS, M.Phil, and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics from Yale University in 1973, 1975, and 1977, respectively, under the guidance of Prof. John. B. Fenn (Yale, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 2002) and Prof. Richard. K. Chang (Henry Ford II Professor, student of N. Bloembergen, Harvard, Nobel Laureate, Physics, 1981). Prof. Lee conducted teaching, research and management at Yale, Princeton, AT&T Bell Labs., ETRI (Vice President), KAIST, and recently at INHA University. Prof. Lee is a Founding Dean of the School of Information Science, Founding President of the IEEE-LEOS Korea, Founding Director of the SPIE-Korea, Vice President of OSK, and recently, Founding Director of the OPERA (Optics and Photonics Elite Reseach Academy) National Research Center for Photonic Integration and the m-PARC (micro/nano-Photonics Advanced Research Center). Prof. Lee has published over 230 international refereed archival journal papers, presented 640 international conference papers, delivered over 100 plenary/keynote/invited lectures in international conferences and institutions, and filed over 120 international patents, all on the subjects of semiconductors, optoelectronics, photonics, and optical communication. Prof. Lee served more than 60 times as conference chair, presider, committee member, and international advisor. Prof. Lee is a Fellow of the APS, OSA, IEEE, SPIE, IEE (UK) and a Life Fellow of the KAST (Korean Academy of Science and Technology). Prof. Lee is a recipient of more than 15 national and international awards, including IEEE Third Millennium Medal, Presidential Medal of Honor, and King Sejong Prize, Korea. Prof. El-Hang Lee
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