The IASTED International Conference on
Telehealth / Assistive Technologies
TAT 2008
April 16 – 18, 2008
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
The Medical Home - Next Generation Patient-Centric Telemedicine Services
Tutorial Materials
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Keynote Speaker

is IBM's Chief Medical Officer and is board certified in Internal Medicine and Nuclear Medicine. Captain Bakalar (US Navy, retired) was the Navy's Surgeon General Executive Assistant for Telemedicine initiatives beginning in 1995. He is the immediate Past President of the American Telemedicine Association and completed 26 years in the US Navy as a physician and program manager prior to joining IBM in March 2003. Dr. Richard Bakalar
Dr. Bakalar is the senior medical consultant for IBM's information based medicine healthcare solutions, including its wireless Patient Care Connect mobile remote monitoring solutions and for enterprise (multi-center, multi-specialty) medical imaging PACS archives. Dr. Bakalar is a clinical advisor to several national boards and Federal agencies.
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