The IASTED European Conference on
Power and Energy Systems
EuroPES 2004
June 28 – 30, 2004
Rhodes, Greece
Countering Fears About Energy
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Plenary Speaker

has written on the price of world oil and calculated its "optimum price path." He authored a number of books, including "Free Market Energy"—and most recently "Unstoppable Global Warming—Every 1500 Years". He has held several university faculty positions and five federal appointments, most recently as Chief Scientist of Transportation. He was an adviser to Treasury Secretary Wm Simon following the 1974 "oil crisis" and is an active participant in the ongoing debate on future oil supply. His major contributions have been to space science and space technology, including service as the founding director of the US Weather Satellite Service (now NESDIS-NOAA), for which he received many awards. S. Fred Singer
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