The IASTED International Conference on
Web-based Education
WBE 2006
January 23 – 25, 2006
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The Future of Learning
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Invited Speaker

eLearn Magazine, published by ACM. In addition, Lisa is a consultant who specializes in the creative uses of collaborative technologies for learning. She plans, designs, and evaluates e-learning, online communities, and online seminars for clients in a variety of industries. She was project manager for Plimoth Plantation's award-winning Online Learning Center, "You Are the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving." Other clients include Aptima, Inc., the Cognitive Science Society, Drexel University, AFS, and the Office of Naval Research. Lisa is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Health and Family Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, where she teaches about new technologies for health communication. She is a frequent conference presenter and has published extensively, authoring two recent book chapters and over 50 articles on e-learning. Lisa holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Harvard University.
Dr. Lisa Neal is Editor-in-Chief ofReferences
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