The IASTED International Conference on
Optical Communication Systems and Networks
OCSN 2006
July 3 – 5, 2006
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Recent Advances in Three Dimensional Sensing, Imaging, and Display
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Plenary Speaker

is Board Of Trustees Distinguished Professor at University of Connecticut. Dr. Javidi is fellow of the Institute Of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA), and fellow of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Recently, he was the 2005 winner of the SPIE Dennis Gabor award in Diffractive Wave Technologies. Early in his career, the National Science Foundation named him a Presidential Young Investigator. He has received the IEEE Lasers and Electro-optics Society Distinguished Lecturer Award twice, in 2003 and 2004. He was the recipient of the IEEE Best Journal Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2002. He has been awarded the University of Connecticut Board Of Trustees Distinguished Professor Award, The School Of Engineering Distinguished Professor Award, University of Connecticut Alumni Association Excellence in Research Award, The Chancellor's Research Excellence Award, and the first Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Outstanding Research Award. Dr. Javidi has completed several books including, "Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security", published by Springer in 2005; "Image Recognition: Algorithms, Systems, and Applications", published in 2002 by Marcel-Dekker, New York; "Three Dimensional Television, Video, and Display Technologies", published by Springer Verlag in 2002; "Smart Imaging Systems", published by SPIE Press in 2001; "Real-time Optical Information Processing", published in 1994 by Academic Press, and "Optical Pattern Recognition", published by SPIE Press in 1994. Dr. Javidi has published over 200 technical refereed articles in major journals. He has published over 250 conference proceedings, including over 90 keynote and invited conference papers, and 60 invited presentations. His papers have appeared in "Physics Today" and "Nature", and his research has been cited in "The Frontiers in Engineering Newsletter", published by "The National Academy of Engineering", "IEEE Spectrum", "Science", "New Scientist", and "National Science Foundation Newsletter". Dr. Bahram Javidi
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