The Tenth IASTED International Conference on
Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
CATE 2007
October 8 – 10, 2007
Beijing, China
Convergence, Collaboration, and Connectivity: Creating a New Paradigm of Experiential Learning through Technology, Intermediality, and the Art of Theatre
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Invited Speaker

John Wayne Shafer is currently Area Coordinator of Theatre BA Studies at the University of Central Florida Conservatory Theatre. He is an active member of Actor's Equity Association, the Screen Actor's Guild, and the Dramatist's Guild. He has been featured in national commercials for Ford, Home Depot, Golden Corral, and PEP Boys. His other stage work includes Off-Broadway, Circle Theatre, Stage West, the Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina, and Fort Worth Shakespeare Festivals. He has done industrials for IBM, EDS, and Fujitsu. He has appeared in The Rookie opposite Dennis Quaid, Serving Sarah opposite Matthew Perry, Mohammed Ali: King of the World directed by John Sacret Young, and Bandwagon which was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and also won the Tokyo International Film Festival Bronze Award. Mr. Shafer's historical women's play, Hunting the Basilisk, was presented by Louisville, Kentucky's NEA grant-winning Pleiades Theatre Company in April 2006. John's children's play, Two Rainbows, was produced at Bradley University in January 2006. His most recent publications are Un Vendedor de Libros que no Sabia Leer (The Bookseller Who Could Not Read) in Bolivia's La Letra Viva and Arts Go the Distance which has been published in EDUCAUSE Quarterly. John recently presented Real Time Theatre Collaboration Goes International: Merging Traditional Staging, I2 Technology, & Research in Kiev, Ukraine at the International Festival THEATRE METHODS 06: Between Tradition and Contemporaneity (sic) hosted by International University's Global Theatre Experience partnership. He also presented on the subject at the International University Theatre Association World Congress in Urbino, Italy in August 2006. John holds an MFA in Acting from Rutgers University's Mason Gross School of the Arts.
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