The Tenth IASTED International Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Control
ISC 2007
November 19 – 21, 2007
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Virtual Steps into a Real World: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Science
Tutorial Materials
Target Audience
Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants
Biography of the Plenary Speaker

has taught at Universities in England, the Republic of Ireland, the USA, and Canada. He is a Fellow in Chemistry at St Anne's College, Oxford, a Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Oriel College, Oxford, and a Laboratory Officer in the Chemistry Department at Oxford University. His research is focussed on the use of Artificial Intelligence to tackle problems in the physical sciences, the environment, and medicine. He is the author, co-author or editor of books and scientific papers in areas ranging from the use of Artificial Intelligence in chemistry to the molecular spectroscopy of stars and the computer simulation of biodegradation. Dr. Hugh Cartwright
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