The IASTED International Conference on
Power and Energy Systems and Applications
PESA 2011
November 7 – 9, 2011
Pittsburgh, USA
Advanced Power Electronics Based Grid Technologies for Future Energy Sustainability Applications
Improvements to the current electric power grid infrastructure, whose design dates back nearly a century, have been identified as a key aspect of a US strategy to improve energy efficiency, grid reliability, and power security. In order to effectively implement the necessary improvements and expansions of the grid infrastructure to meet the emerging needs of smart grid implementation, renewable energy integration, and energy storage applications, increased development and applications of advanced power electronics based technologies – in the form of both High Voltage and Medium Voltage DC Systems (HVDC and MVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) – are paramount and are an important component to the success of future energy sustainability. An overview of HVDC, MVDC, and FACTS technologies will be provided, along with new developments and emerging needs for future transmission and distribution system applications.Biography of the Keynote Speaker

is the Director of the Power & Energy Initiative in the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, an Associate Director of the University’s Center for Energy, and a Professor in the Swanson School’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. His research interests, teaching activities, and related pursuits include advanced power electronics technologies - FACTS, HVDC, and MVDC systems; renewable energy integration; smart grid technologies; and energy storage systems. Dr. Reed has over 25 years of combined industry and academic experience in the electric power and energy arena, including engineering, R&D, and executive management positions throughout his career with the Consolidated Edison of New York, ABB, Mitsubishi Electric, and KEMA. He has authored or co-authored more than 75 papers and technical articles in the areas of electric power system analysis, the applications of advanced power systems technologies, and power engineering education. Dr. Reed earned his Ph.D, in electric power engineering from the University of Pittsburgh (1997), M.Eng. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1986), and B.S. from Gannon University (1985). Dr. Gregory Reed