The 5th IASTED African Conference on
Modelling and Simulation
AfricaMS 2014
September 1 – 3, 2014
Gaborone, Botswana
Mathematical Modeling of some important phenomena arising in fluid flow through porous media
The Mathematical modeling is an advance tool to estimate the solutions of some complicated physical phenomenon arising in fluid flow through porous media and other fields like different disciplines of sciences, different branches of engineering’s and technologies, agriculture, biotechnology, geology and petroleum technology. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to form mathematical models and how to analyze the corresponding differential equations with physical interpretation of the results has been discussed .During oil recovery processes like primary oil recovery, secondary oil recovery and enhance oil recovery processes the multiphase flow through porous media plays important role. In particular in secondary oil recovery when water flooding or water in injected in oil formatted area to recover remaining oil than some important phenomena occurs at common interface of injected phase and native phase. These phenomena has been discussed by mathematical view points. The important phenomena like fingering, imbibition and finger-imbibition with external effect has been discussed. The mathematical formulation these important phenomena leads to non linear partial differential equation which are known as mathematical models for different phenomena. we have used some slandered relations between capillary pressure, permeability, saturations and some governing laws like Darcy’s law and equation of continuity for flow through porous media has also been used .These non linear partial differential equations have been converted into ordinary differential equations which has been solved by some mathematical technique to gather with some initial conditions and boundary conditions appropriate to the phenomena. Finally, the physical interpretation of solution of governing nonlinear partial differential equation s of the phenomena and its graphical presentations have been given.
Biography of the Invited Speaker

38 Yrs. of Teaching Experience at UG & PG level
Supervised 15 Ph.D and one M.Phil student
Published 110 research papers in reputed National/International Journals.
Area of specialization is Fluid flow through porous media, Advanced Analytical & Numerical Techniques
Member of reputed Societies like ISTAM,IMS,GAMS