IASTED Newsletter on
Knowledge Sharing

The Fourth IASTED International Conference on
Knowledge Sharing and Collabrative Engineering
~KSCE 2006~

November 29-December 1, 2006
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
Technical Committee on Information Systems
Technical Committee on Telecommunications
Technical Committee on the Web, Internet, and Multimedia
Technical Committee on Management

Dr. Marc Boumedine - University of the Virgin Islands, USA
Dr. Claude Touzet - University of Provence, France

Submissions Due June 15, 2006
Notification of Acceptance August 1, 2006
Final Manuscripts Due September 1, 2006
Registration Deadline September 15, 2006

To view the call for papers, scope of this conference and the International Program Committee visit our website at:

Please forward this newsletter to colleagues who may be interested in participating in these conferences.


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Control and Intelligent Systems
International Journal of Computers and Applications
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
International Journal of Robotics and Automation
Advanced Technology for Learning

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ACTA Press publishes over forty proceedings annually for international engineering and computer science conferences. Past conference proceedings in the area of Knowledge Sharing are available for purchase from ACTA Press.

Individual papers may be purchased separately from the conference proceedings. http://www.actapress.com/Proceedings.aspx

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