Call for Papers
Please submit your papers as well as proposals for tutorials, special sessions, and panel sessions by September 15, 2007. See the Call for Papers here. |
BioMED 2008 will take place from February 13 – 15, 2008.
Innsbruck, Austria, is nestled in the valley of the Inn River and tucked between the Austrian Alps and the Tuxer mountain range. Climb the Stadtturm on Herzog Friedrich Strasse for a stunning view of the town and its surrounding scenery. Attend a concert at the beautiful renaissance-style Ambras Castle. The sturdy medieval houses and sidewalk cafés of Old Town Innsbruck beckon you to sit a while and watch people stroll by.
Congress Innsbruck traces its beginnings to medieval Europe and The Dogana, a historic theatre. Congress Innsbruck has been thrice awarded "Apex Congress Centre of the Year."
Biomedical Engineering (BioMED 2008)
In recent years, with the aid of engineering and information technology, biomedical engineering has emerged as a high-tech field, generating innovation in such areas as medical imaging, bioinformatics, MEMS and nanotechnology, new biomaterials and sensors, medical robotics, and neurobiology. Scientists and engineers in this field have recently been working towards such advances as developing artificial organs that mimic natural human organs, conducting telemedicine, performing surgeries with robots, creating a laboratory-on-a-chip, and controlling robots through natural animal brain matter.
Review Process
BioMED 2008 is intended to be an international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange the latest research, results, and ideas in biomedical engineering. All papers submitted to this conference will be double blind reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution.
BioMed 2008 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conference on:
BioMed 2008 is sponsored by the International
Association of Science and Technology for Development
(IASTED), with the assistance of:
- Technical Committee on Biomedical Engineering
cooperation with the World Modelling and Simulation Forum
Topics covered by BioMED 2008 include, but are not limited to:
- Medical Imaging, Image Processing, and Signal Processing
- Medical Data Storage and Compression Techniques
- Ultrasound Imaging
- Medical Devices, Measurement, and Instrumentation
- Biosensors and Transducers
- Reliability and Failure
- Modelling, Simulation, Systems, and Control
- Control Systems
- Surgery Simulation and Simulators
- Health Care Technology
- Rehabilitation Engineering
- Implant Technology
- Molecular Bioengineering
- Tissue Engineering
- Drug Delivery and Pharmacokinetics
and many more...