IASTED would like to congratulate Gaotsabege Itumeleng for being the 2010 Faculty of Engineering and Technology winner of the IASTED Prize. The IASTED Prize is given to the best graduating student in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and the best graduating student in the Faculty of Science. It was established after the IASTED Africa Conferences in 2006 where P40 000 was given to the University of Botswana for the establishment of the prize. The money is deposited in the bank and the yearly interest is shared among the two recipients and given to them at the graduation ceremony. This year will be the fourth time that the prize will be awarded. Gaotsabege Itumeleng was awarded the IASTED Prize on October 9, 2010 at the graduation ceremony. A list of the IASTED Prize winners is provided below.

Winners of the IASTED Prize:

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, UB Kebokilwe Kelobogile
Faculty of Science Mabenga, Caiplus Boniface
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, UB Molapisi Katlarelo Ian
Faculty of Science Patrina Moude Mabuku
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, UB Nassar Shamin Omar
Faculty of Science Kebotsamang Kabo
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, UB Gaotsabege Itumeleng
Faculty of Science No candidate qualified