Frequently Asked Questions
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If I am presenting a paper at more than one IASTED conference being held in the same location, do I need to pay for the second paper?
Yes, an author presenting two papers may register the 2nd paper at a reduced fee. This fee is indicated on the conference registration form and varies depending on the conference.
If I am presenting more than one paper at the same conference, do I need to pay for the 2nd paper?
You will be required to pay an extra page charge for each page of your 2nd paper.
If I am only going to attend the conference for one day, can I pay a one day registration fee?
You can pay a one day registration fee only if you are NOT an author presenting a paper.
What if I can’t attend the conference?
IASTED has several journals that you can submit your paper to. For more information, go to IASTED will NOT publish any paper in the conference proceedings for non-attendees.
What happens if I am a presenter and can only attend on certain days?
Please contact IASTED immediately. We will try to accommodate your schedule.
What is IASTED's review process?
For more details on our review process, please see the following link here.
Will I receive an official letter of invitation?
The contact author will receive an official letter of invitation to the author and address that was inputted during the initial paper submission process. If you require the letter to be sent to a different author or address, please contact IASTED immediately at
When will I receive the notification of acceptance of my paper?
All authors will be emailed the results of the paper review process within a week of the notification deadline. If you have not received the results of your submission one week after the deadline, please contact IASTED at immediately.
What are the formatting instructions for my paper?
Please see the following link,
What Audio-Visual equipment will be available for the presentations?
There will be a computer with a 3 1/2" floppy drive and CD Rom connected to an LCD Projector (Beamer, 1024 X 768 Resolution). MS PowerPoint and Adobe Reader will be installed on the computer.
What software can I do my presentation in?
MS Office 2000, Internet Explorer (no internet hookup) and Adobe Reader v5 will be installed on the computers.
What if I want to be an exhibitor?
Please contact our Marketing Coordinator at
What is an IASTED Technical Committee?
IASTED Technical Committees are standing committees for 3-4 year terms which were established to consult and advise IASTED on relevant and interesting topics within a specific field (i.e. Neural Networks). Technical Committee members may also assist in the planning and organization of IASTED activities such as meetings and publications. As a member of the technical committee, activities may include recommending individuals to act as speakers, delivering keynote addresses or organizing tutorials at the conferences; suggesting updates to the conference scopes to reflect the most current topics; becoming involved as a member of conference-specific International Program Committees; and suggestions for other improvements and innovations in IASTED conferences.
What is an IASTED International Program Committee?
Each IASTED conference has an International Program Committee which consists of people who have proven expertise in areas of the conference scope. International Program Committee members review papers submitted for their respective conferences, make recommendations for individuals to act as keynote and plenary speakers, organize tutorials and special sessions, distribute conference Call For Papers, and help with the conference program.
What if I want to be on the International Program Committee (IPC), Technical Committee (TC), or chair a conference?
Please email with a brief summary of your research interests and a resume.
What is a Panel Session?
For more details on panel sessions, please see the following link here.

IASTED Live! radio broadcast on Plagiarism with iThenticate.
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Plagiarism is claiming that someone else's writing, experiments, and/or research are your own. This is done by copying another person’s work including articles and/or experiments that are not common knowledge without a reference to that work.
Copying includes using the figures, charts, diagrams, equations, computer code, graphs, photographs, text, abstract, or subject headings of a previous work without proper reference. Copying also includes cutting and pasting substantial portions of text from another work without proper reference.
For standard referencing styles, please refer to any of the following resources:
Common Knowledge
Common knowledge is a fact that is widely known and available in many sources. An author does not need to cite common knowledge. The following are some guidelines to what knowledge is common which can also be found in encyclopedias, dictionaries, or other common sources.
For example, the following is rarely common knowledge:
- "The Gluglac Basin Council paid for the study examining the effects of transferring 950 m3/day of water to new urban developments."
A fact that is widely known and available in many sources in a specific field need not be cited. If first-year undergraduate students would know this fact, it is probably common knowledge in the specific field. For example:
- "The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the amount of energy added by heating the system minus the amount lost as a result of the work done by the system on its surroundings."
Why is plagiarism wrong?
Plagiarism is wrong because it is the theft of the work of another author. The work of another author is the intellectual property of that author. By failing to make a proper reference to that author's work, the plagiarist is stealing that property. For more information on plagiarism, please visit
How does IASTED detect plagiarized work?
IASTED utilize advanced plagiarism detection software called iThenticate on each submitted paper. IASTED also employs a thorough review process to ensure authenticity of conference proceedings and to protect the integrity of participating authors and professionals in the industry.
Can an author use his or her previous work without reference?
This is called self-plagiarism, and self-plagiarism is forbidden by IASTED. Authors must cite their previous articles, experiments, or research in subsequent work.
Why is self-plagiarism wrong?
Self-plagiarism is wrong because when you are copying some of your previous work in a new publication without proper referencing, you are asking for the same credit twice. Thus, self-plagiarism is dishonest and goes against academic integrity.
Examples of proper citation
Direct Quote:
- A direct quote is copying word-for-word of work of another. The author must include quotation marks ("...") at the start and end of the direct quote. The author must include a reference to the source of the quote.
- For example, Author A1 wrote the following, so the word-for-word use of the text requires quotation marks and a reference:
- "Experiment A resulted in a disk diameter change of 0.13 m over the testing period, whereas Experiments B and C resulted in changes of 0.08 m and 0.11 m, respectively, during the testing period. These results confirm that effectiveness of the highest-heat treatment of the testing material to result in the greatest increase in the diameter of the disk." [<reference to Author A1>]
- The author summarizes the work of another. The author must include a citation to the original work, but quotation marks ("...") are unnecessary.
- For example, the following is the original work by Author A1:
- Experiment A resulted in a disk diameter change of 0.13 m over the testing period, whereas Experiments B and C resulted in changes of 0.08 m and 0.11 m, respectively, during the testing period. These results confirm that effectiveness of the highest-heat treatment of the testing material to result in the greatest increase in the diameter of the disk.
- The following is a paraphrase by Author A2 of the work by Author A1:
- A high-heat treatment is effective in increasing the diameter of a disk. [<reference to Author A1>]
Secondary Citation:
- Often, Author A3 cites text from Author A2, and Author A2's text is itself a quote or reference to Author A1. In this case, Author A3 must give credit to both Author A1 and Author A2.
- Example
- Text of Author A1 that is original work:
The water flow over the Aboul Weir is 95 m3/s and the water flow over the Zobul Weir is 85 m3/s, both of which are the highest weir flow rates on the Kobul River. - Text of Author A2 citing Author A1 using quotation marks:
"More water flows over the Aboul Weir than over the Zobul Weir." [<reference Author A1>] - Text of Author A3 that cites both Author A2 and Author A1 using quotation marks:
"The flow over the Aboul Weir is the highest rate on the Kobul River." [<reference Author A2>, <reference Author A1>]
What happens to authors found to have plagiarized work?
IASTED will not publish plagiarized work, and further work from that author will not be read and/or reviewed for two years.
- When IASTED believes that the author made a good faith error in interpreting the Guidelines, IASTED may request that the author change the paper to conform to the Guidelines. For referencing guidelines, please click here.
IASTED reserves the right to change the Guidelines at any time and without notice. Authors are subject to the Guidelines in effect at the date of submission of their work to IASTED. Please feel free to contact IASTED if you have further questions.
References and sources of further information:
- Internet Resources on Citing: The Trademark of a Good Writer