The 3rd IASTED International Conference on
Biomedical Engineering
BioMED 2005
February 16 – 18, 2005
Innsbruck, Austria
Past Conference Information
The Biomedical Engineering 2005 conference in Innsbruck, Austria has ended.
Conference ProceedingsThe Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website: |
Tutorial Session
"Computer-aided Detection of Early Signs of Breast Cancer"
Prof. Rangaraj Rangayyan
University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. Rangaraj Rangayyan
University of Calgary, Canada

Plenary Speaker
"Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Assessment of Organ Functions"
Prof. Peter Boesiger
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Peter Boesiger
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Special Session Chair

Special Session Organizer
"Signals and Systems in Human Motion (SSHM)"
Prof. Vlasta Zanchi
University of Split, Croatia
Prof. Vlasta Zanchi
University of Split, Croatia