The Twelfth IASTED International Conference on
Control and Applications
CA 2010
July 15 – 17, 2010
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Past Conference Information
The Control and Applications 2010 conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada has ended.
Conference ProceedingsThe Conference Proceedings are available for purchase on the ACTA Press website: |
Conference Chair
Prof. Mehrdad Saif
University of Windsor, Canada
University of Windsor, Canada

Keynote Speaker
"Recent Advances in Intelligent Control Systems, & Inventing and Developing an Automated Haematopoietic Stem Cells Harvesting Machine"
Prof. Tong Heng Lee
Professor & Cluster Head (Control Systems)
Professor in the Graduate School, NUS NGS
Dy Editor-in-Chief, IFAC Mechatronics Int Jnl
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof. Tong Heng Lee
Professor & Cluster Head (Control Systems)
Professor in the Graduate School, NUS NGS
Dy Editor-in-Chief, IFAC Mechatronics Int Jnl
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Tutorial Session
"Developing Real-time and Embedded Control Applications"
Prof. M Moallem
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Prof. M Moallem
Simon Fraser University, Canada

The topics of interest covered by CA 2010 included, but were not limited to: