The Fourth IASTED International Conference on
Advances in Computer Science and Technology
ACST 2008

April 2 – 4, 2008
Langkawi, Malaysia


Ubiquitous Computing: Futuristic and Emerging Computing Paradigm

Dr. George Varkey
Executive Director
CDAC Noida, India

Dr. Poonam R. Gupta
Associate Professor
CDAC Noida, India







Tutorial Materials


Target Audience


Background Knowledge Expected of the Participants


Biographies of the Participants


Special Session Portrait

Dr. George Varkey has more than 33 years experience and has worked with organizations such as Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, KELTRON, ERDCI, Trivandrum, now CDAC. Presently Dr. Varkey is officiating as Executive Director of the CDAC Noida, India. He has worked on number of specialized projects such as Intelligent Work Station, Message Switching System for DoT, The Sanchar Network for the Indian Navy, the Neutron Spectrometer Control System for BARC. He has headed the Special Systems Group in C-DAC(T) which developed products like Low Cost PC motherboards using the specially developed Arjun/Krishna Chipset, flash memory boards, Industrial Grade PC platforms, Text Reading System for Malayalam, etc. He conceived and developed the Acoustic Emission Data Acquisition Analysis and Presentation System in association with Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum. Dr Varkey was instrumental in conceptualizing the OncoNet India project involving interlinking of the Regional Cancer Centers along with their distant peripheral centers spread across the country into a single Virtual hospital. He has also worked for first underwater over-run ranges in the whole of south-east Asia and it was a significant achievement in ensuring combat-worthiness of Indian Naval vessels.
His areas of interest include Parallel Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Speech Processing, Embedded Systems, Underwater Electronics, Sonar, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation.

Special Session Portrait

Dr P R Gupta has about 20 years experience in academics and research. She has M.Tech from IIT Delhi and Ph.D. in Computer Sc & Engg from KNIT, Sultanpur. Presently, she is working as Associate Professor at CDAC, Noida, India. A localized live CD version of Linux namely Abhigyan has been developed by her team for indian languages such as Hindi, Bengali, Tamil and Punjabi. Her group is also working for developing tools for training and supproting physically challenged people.
Her research interest include Artificial Intelligence, Open Source Systems, localization, e-governance and ubiquitous computing.



Important Deadlines

Latest Submissions DueDecember 7, 2007
Notification of Acceptance StartingJanuary 15, 2007
Final Manuscripts DueFebruary 11, 2008
Registration DeadlineFebruary 25, 2008

Papers will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Authors who submit early will receive their feedback and notification early.